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  • Tasklist

    • Include head body and footer php files to limit repeating with those.
      • Included a head element for every page. Could do something like: (head and opening body tag) + (closing body tag and footer)
    • Connect to database and load a database table onto a page
    • Add a form to insert into a database table
    • Automatically title the page based on their filename
    • Use output buffering to circumvent the split second of the page title being kellynsoftware.com when a new page is loaded.
    • Make all pages more responsive - make about and now page take full width of screen on mobile - this is gonna take media queries and I don't feel like doing that right now.
    • Really should include the head info soon because the number of files I'll need to adjust for it later are constantly increasing. This was very satisfying
    • make fields required on formtest.php
    • For some reason inputting very long words into fields on tabletest.php breaks the table out of the div it's contained in - figure out why and address it.- it's happening because the table is accepting however wide one word is. Need to figure out how to set a max-width on a table data element. Also setting a max width on the table should probably fix this? Currently opted to just set overflow to ellipsis for td cells. Eventually develop a way for a user to view the full data beyond the ellipsis by clicking on the cell or something.
    • Form sanitization/validation/requiring using php server side. Maybe use javascript for client side validation/requiring so users don't have to deal with being redirected by the server? - For now I'll just use php server side - but implement js later!
    • Allow users to login and maintain session data.
    • Header items subtly shift on some pages when there is a col-12 instead of multiple smaller colums - see contact.php.
    • validate email